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Canine Companions for Independence


How They Help

How do your programs or services help the community?

Canine Companions supports the community by pairing local recipients who have a physical disability with highly trained assistance dog – free of charge. Canine Companions also supports local facilities such as Goodwill Columbus and Nationwide Children’s Hospital through the placement of facility dogs who support their clients. Additionally, Canine Companions provides an educational component to the community about assistance dogs.

Program Descriptions

Volunteer Puppy Raisers: Canine Companions has the best volunteers in the country. Volunteer puppy raisers receive a puppy from Canine Companions’ breeding program at eight weeks of age and return the dog to the organization at 16 months. During the time the puppy is with the volunteer, the dog learns basic obedience and socialization. The volunteer puppy raiser provides a loving home for the dog while under their care.

Team Training: Team Training is when a recipient who has gone through the applicant process to receive an assistance dog is invited for two weeks to be paired with an assistance dog and learn how to work with the dog effectively. The dog has two years of training and is prepared for the recipient when the recipient is invited to Team Training.

Recipient Follow-up Services: After a recipient receives an assistance dog from Canine Companions, the organization provides follow-up services for the life span of the recipient and assistance dog team. These services include annual in person visits and phone and email communication. The services are provided to ensure that the quality of the placement remains as when the team was originally paired and to answer any outstanding questions that may come with time.

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